Sunday 31 January 2010

A bit of appreciation...

So I thought I'd just rip off some copyrighted images so that I might appreciate some good musicians while I listen to them. Firstly, one which is not a regular on my playlists but always a breath of fresh air when I hear that ssssmoooothhhh voice: Norah Jones.
This girl has been cracking tunes through my speakers for a good four years now when I was asked to do a cover of Don't Know Why. She makes for some excellent easy listening.

Next on tonight's list of appreciation is Joshua Radin. I discovered this beautiful man sometime last year. He's featured a couple of times on scrubs, I think his debut single 'winter' was actually featured pretty much as soon as it was released, but I could be wrong.

Apart from winter, I particularly like closer (you're propbably listening to it right now) and Everything'll Be Alright. I just find these two tracks totally inspiring, not only musically, but they inspire me to go out and live life, to see beautiful things.

Finally on tonight's list is Sufjan Stevens. He has written some pretty obscure stuff. However, as far as I'm concerned, anyone that can turn the horrific acts of John Gacy jr. into an awe inspiring song at least deserves a mention in this blog.

I also like casimir polaski day and chicago. You just have to listen to them to understand.

So yes, three of my faves, but by far not all of them. I highly reccommend you go and have some ear sex with some of their tunes. You never know, they might inspire you to do something wonderful.

Saturday 30 January 2010

Life is just one big collage

Ahh. Today has been a productive day. I woke up and took it upon myself to start research for my Psychology report, just some background stuff, but exciting none the less. Eventually Anna popped round to use my printer and roped me into helping her cut and stick so that she would be able to hand her coursework in on time. It took us until just past 3pm but we managed it, before rushing into uni to the intimidatingly fashionable Bonnington, scraping at the 4pm deadline with just fifteen minutes to spare. Exciting times, exciting times.

SO. We went into town after this, for a couple of reasons.
1. We needed to enquire at the local council office about a busking license. Look out Nottingham!
2. I needed to purchase some materials for some artsy-fartsy approach to valentine's day. I'd been inspired by Anna's cutting and sticking - how you can get a degree in such a thing is beyond my understanding.

So first thing's first, we went to the council offices to see about a busking license, where we were redirected to 'Lauren House' which would be a 'seven minute walk' according to the somewhat dense looking receptionist woman. So on we trekked to this Lauren House which actually turned out to be called Lawrence house and actually took us 15 minutes to get to. Once we were there were told to phone some random guy who was apparently elsewhere but doing his job, so Anna left a message and we are hastily awaiting his response. So, judging by the council's willingness to help today, perhaps Nottingham should wait a few years before bracing themselves.

Ahh, the second point. The artsy fartsy stuff, if you are my valentine this year, you should not continue reading. In fact, get out of my blog until after the 14th of February! All that aside, we went to paperchase where i bought a few bits and bobs to make a valentine's card. There went my student budget when I spent over £6 on materials for one card. Good times. There's something liberating about saying no to your budget. Some things are just more important than eating. ANYWAY. We went back to the flat to construct this card, which started off looking something like this...

Yes, there was me anxiously clutching at my caffeine while I was phtographed, looking slightly edgy at the thought of putting my image on the internet for the first time in at least a year. But the card went well. Return somewhere after valentine's day to see the the finsihed product.

The card didn't quite quench my creative thirst though. So I took to making a smalle collage of anything that I could get my hands on. That was extremely fun and I think perhaps I might make it a hobby to do similar things. Or maybe I will keep a scrapbook. I'm yet to decide. Anyway, the collage came out looking something like this...

So All in all it was a pretty arsty fartsy day. Anna made some rather good stir fry because My veg was going out of date and I was too busy with the card to cook anything. So she did most of it and I just stood, stirred and stole the credit. I must say though, it was good not having to eat food that is either a ready meal or just generally self prepared. It was somewhat relaxing to take a bit more of a back seat. Perhaps I should do it more often? Life is like a collage because there are so many random pieces that don't really fit together until they've all been put in place. Then you realise that what you've been doing has been a slow but massive formation of something that, more often than not, is just a little bit beautiful. Take that nugget of information and enjoy some more photos. Happy Friday.

Thank you for reading and make sure you do something for valentine's day, even if it's just a friend, a small token of appreciation might go a long way in making you both enjoy your days.

Sunday 24 January 2010

Things that might probably come first.

I have just started my first blog only to find that this font is absolutely absurd.

Much better.

So, hello, how do you do, all that stuff and much more. I've been completely crushed under the social conformity of blogging, self promotion and a general overuse of the internet. But I'm told that this is a good thing. I guess that having the whole world at your fingertips can't be too bad after all.

So let this internet thingmy and general outlet of my inner thoughts henceforth be unleashed upon the world, or at least all who are interested enough to read it.

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